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Changes in the criminal compensation rules.

The Ministry of Justice is to scrap the rules preventing victims of crime claiming compensation when their assailant lives in the same house and where the attack occurred prior to 1979.

The rules were changed in 1979 but not retrospectively, a ruling by the court of appeal stated that the compensation board had unfairly denied compensation for victims prior to 1979; the compensation board will also look to review the time limit someone can claim for compensation, at the moment an adult victim must claim within two years of a crime.

Whilst the government have said they are looking to improve access to compensation, it was a court of appeal ruling that forced the rethink.

The CICS is an excellent scheme designed to help those victims where their life has changed and pays out around £150 million each year, the review of the scheme will also look at the definition of the crime of violence to include terrorism, grooming, and exploitative behavior, the review will also look at the funding and sustainability of the scheme.

The review will report its findings in 2019.

Changes in the criminal compensation rules.
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