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Charity Law Solicitors in Basingstoke

Charity Law Solicitors in Basingstoke.
If you require more information on Charity Law, running a charity, forming a charity or its legal responsibilities any of the Charity law solicitors listed for Basingstoke will be able to help.
As Charity law is a specialist area of law some of the firms may be out of the area.

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Qualitysolicitors, Expert Legal Advice For Individuals And Businesses, In Over 100 Locations,

If you need help with charity law in Basingstoke, we can assist you with your charity's legal needs, from setting up and running your charity to ensuring you comply with complex legislation.

Quantum House, Basing View, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4EX
+44 (0) 3700 863 000

Supporting charities and other not-for-profit organisations

Pennington Manches Llp
Da Vinci House, Basing View, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4EQ
01256 407100

The charity law solicitors at Penningtons Manches Cooper support charities.

Clarke and Son
Manor House, 8 Winchester Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 8UG
01256 320555

Clarke and Son expert, local legal advice | Free first advice | Exceptional customer service | No hidden costs

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