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Charity Law Solicitors.

As a charity it is important to understand your legal obligations and rights, a Charity Law solicitor swill be able to help with this, find Charity Law Solicitors from

Charity law covers the rules relating to the setting up and operation of charities, which are bodies run for the public benefit.

The main legislation for charities is the Charity Act of 2011; this new legislation replaced the old outdated laws passed in 1958,1992,93 and 2006.

It's important that the laws are followed when setting up or operating a charity, to ensure you retain the privileged charitable status, and that your operations are for the public benefit.

As most charities rely on the free time and effort put in by people that believe in the good cause it is important that the charity itself does not let those people down by not complying with the Law.

The new Laws for Charities must be adhered to and the guidance provided by the Charity Commission (available online) makes essential reading if you are a trustee of the charity.

Charity Law can be complex and we recommend that you do engage the services of a solicitor, as this is a specialist area of law you may have to search further afield to find the right solicitor for you.

Other useful web sites

■ The Charity Commission
■ National Association of charity solicitors.
■ NCVO - National Volunteer Organisation

To find a solicitor that will be able to help you and your charity please use the search at the top of the page, we would recommend that you contact a few firms to give your charity choice.

Charity Law Solicitors.
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