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Personal Injury Claims.

If you have suffered an injury and are looking to make an accident claim for compensation, understand how a personal injury Solicitors can help make you injury claim for you.

A personal injury is a type of physical injury, psychological injury or illness, most people know instantly if they have been injured if by a road traffic accident or by tripping over the pavement, but many compensation claims are due to illness, an example of this is Asbestoses, there have been many claims for exposure to asbestos, thankfully, due to legislation about the use of asbestos these are reducing.

Psychological injury compensation cases are common place and occur for many reasons such as, being a victim of crime, problems at work, problems as a child, stress at work, these are just a few examples.

At the end of this Section you will see contact details for services you may need during this time, as you may need counselling services or financial advice.

If you have suffered a personal injury, you may need to take steps in addition to making a compensation claim, the police and your insurance company may need to be informed in the event of a accident, you should always seek medical advice for immediate treatment, or help should the injury worsen.

If you have had an accident at work, or in a public place contact the organisation responsible for that area and inform them of the accident, this could prevent others from suffering the same fate.

Gather evidence straight away, photographs or witness statements or their contact details, detail down any information you can whilst this is at the forefront of your mind, or ask that others do it for you.

Additional steps should be taken if the accident happens at work, your employer needs to be informed this can be via the accident book if your employer has one or in writing. If you are self employed, some accidents will need to be reported to your local council or the health and safety executive and if you are uncertain the best advice is to report it, for additional guidance visit the HSE web site.

It may be advisable to write to the body responsible, asking for an explanation, this can take time so be very aware especially if you are looking for, or may wish to explore the compensation route, time limits do apply so don't compromise the possibility of a claim, for what may result in just an apology.

The type of injury you have suffered will decide the process you need to take to claim compensation, these could be via criminal compensation orders for injuries as a result of crime or action in the civil court.We would recommend you contact a personal injury claims solicitor or medical negligence claims solicitor for advice, they will be able to help or guide you in the right direction.

When you make your claim you may be seeking two different types of damages, general damages are paid in respect of the injury, and any future loss, Special damages are in respect of actual losses for example loss of earnings, expenses, damage etc

What are No Win No Fee Arrangements.

In most cases the fees for processing a compensation claim need to be funded, these tend to be met via insurance or through a solicitors scheme offered by a personal injury solicitor, these are normally termed as a conditional fee arrangement also known as no win no fee.

When you enter into one of these contracts its important to understand your own potential liability. Whilst this should cover any solicitors legal fees if you do not win the case, if you do win you may well have fees to pay.

We would recommend that you ask your solicitor to talk you through all scenarios, and options to ensure you fully understand the alternatives and charges.

What are No Win No Fee Arrangements.
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