What can and can`t Bailiffs do
What can and can't Bailiffs do? Guide to stricter rules..link
Solicitors covering Debt Collection can help you to recover overdue accounts and can advise on the following:
■ Pre-action collection
■ County Court Proceedings
■ Bankruptcy
■ Winding-up
■ Defended actions
Depending on the amount of the claim may dictate the route you take to reclaim your money, we recommend that you discuss your situation with a solicitor, or you can call the CAB on 08454 04 05 06.
Bankruptcy Guide - Understand how you become bankrupt and what ha..
linkWhat can and can't Bailiffs do? Guide to stricter rules..link
The small claims process covers disputes of £10,000 or less. There are a few exceptions in personal injury cases, or landlord and tenant disputes, but in genera..link
Litigation Solicitors.
For details on many of the areas of Litigation a solicitors will be able to help, click here...link
What can and can't Bailiffs do? Guide to stricter rules..
linkCorporate finance Solicitors will be able to assist with mergers and acquisitions, the buying of one company of another (M&A), and equity fundraising, or any ot..link
Bankruptcy Guide - Understand how you become bankrupt and what happens to you..link
The small claims process covers disputes of £10,000 or less. Ther..
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