Protecting your on-line memories
Protecting your on-line memories - In a recent survey over 2,000 people were asked what they think happens to digital images on Facebook if a user passes away,
The information on this page is to help you understand probate, establish whether you need to obtain probate and explain your choices on how to go about obtaining probate.
The quickest and easiest way to find out whether you need probate and what is involved is to use our free service to contact a Probate Solicitor.
Probate is a formal legal process, which is usually required where the deceased has left assets over £5000. Probate is required before any assets can be accessed and distributed. It is not normally possible to access the deceased's bank accounts (except to pay funeral bills and inheritance tax), savings/investments or sell property without a 'Grant of Probate'.
Obtaining probate is normally the responsibility of the Executor(s) of the Will, or the deceased's next of kin, if there is no Will. The person who applies for probate is then legally required to ensure that the deceased's estate is dealt with correctly.
As an alternative, the Executor can relieve himself/herself from the responsibility and choose a Wills and Probate Service to deal with the process on their behalf.
Changes in probate fees.
From May 2017 probate fees are set to d..
Protecting your on-line memories - In a recent survey over 2,000 people were asked what they think happens to digital images on Facebook if a user passes away,
Guide to Lasting Powers of Attorney.- If you are looking to appoint a solicitor to arrange a Power of Attorney this guide can help you understand how they
Contentious Probate Guide, talking to a solicitor can help you understand your rights if probate is
Many people use a trust to reduce inheritance tax, if you put an..
linkChanges in probate fees.
From May 2017 probate fees are set to dramatically increase.
The new fees are based on the size of the estate and are in addition
Transferring personal allowances for Inheritance Tax - understand your rights on IHT
Protecting your on-line memories - In a recent survey over 2,000..
linkGuide to some of the factors people use when appointing a
Many people use a trust to reduce inheritance tax, if you put an asset into a trust you no longer own it, so depending on when you die your beneficiaries may are not a firm of solicitors, and any content on the site should not be used in substitute for obtaining Legal advice from a solicitor regulated in the UK, recommends that you contact a firm of solicitors to discuss your individual legal requirement. Whilst we strive to bring you accurate up to date content, all content on this site is not legal advice and is not guaranteed to be correct. Use of this site does not create a client relationship.