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Family Law Solicitors.

Family Law Solicitors can help you resolve the problems which may arise in the break-up of relationships, including financial issues and matters concerning any children.

Family Law Solicitors can help you resolve the problems which may arise in the break-up of relationships, including financial issues and matters concerning any children.

Family and Divorce Law Solicitors should be able to give advice on the following areas:

:: Divorce or Separation
:: Disputes in connection with children
:: Protection against domestic violence
:: Adoption
:: Childcare
:: Disputes over money and property
:: Co-habitation
:: Pre-nuptial agreements

Family law covers all areas of law relating to relationships with partners, cohabitants and married couples. It deals with issues relating to both the beginning and end of a relationship. Family Law does not deal with wider family issues, for example, elderly relatives or the making of wills.

:: Protection against domestic abuse.

Solicitors will be considerate about how to protect you if you are suffering from violence inflicted by your spouse, partner, child, or anyone with whom you are in a domestic relationship. If appropriate, they may obtain a court injunction prohibiting your abuser from coming near you.

For details of solicitors in your location please use the search facility, selecting family as an area of law and your location.

Family Law Solicitors.
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