Solicitors in Fareham
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Search Results
We value each and every one of our clients, and they value us… 97% wouldn’t go anywhere else for legal services. -
Looking for Solicitors in Fareham - Call us today for help, whatever your legal needs.
We are the law firm clients choose for excellent service, incisive thinking and above all for our ability to focus on what matters.
Lawcomm Solicitors - A modern professional services firm dedicated to providing clients with efficient, cost effective and highly personalised outcomes.
Kenny Solicitors Fareham, A fixed fee, quoted at the outset with no hidden extras.
Glanvilles is an established legal firm, operating from offices in Fareham and Havant in Hampshire and Chichester in West Sussex.
Located in offices close to you. Emergency and home appointments are available in certain cases. We are here to help you with your legal requirements. We pride ourselves in providing a professional approach in a friendly environment.Great Service, Every Client, Every Time
Wannops LLP is a dynamic firm of solicitors and advocates, employing more than 50 lawyers providing legal services in Fareham.
We are well known and well respected within Hampshire, Portsmouth and surrounding areas.