Solicitors in Lowestoft
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Looking for Solicitors in Lowestoft - Call us today for help, whatever your legal needs.
Acting for clients ranging from individuals and sole traders to partnerships and PLCs, each of our practitioners is an expert in their chosen field providing the quality of specialist advice and service more often associated with much larger regional firms.
Norton Peskett is a modern and approachable law firm providing the very highest standards of legal advice for both individuals and businesses
We aim to provide you with an excellent level of service at an affordable price. We can offer 30 Minutes consultation if we can assist you further so contact us for an appointment.
HKB Wiltshires are a long established firm of Solicitors providing professional advice and services. We are friendly and approachable from the first contact and our objective is to provide an efficient and cost effective legal service.
Fosters Solicitors aim to provide high quality service to our clients and value their constructive feedback throughout our time working together, helping us to continually improve and maintain the high standards we set ourselves.
We appreciate that the needs of all clients are different and aim to tailor our advice and way of working to your needs.