Solicitors in Wigan
Legal Advice in Wigan.
Wigan has around twenty firms of solicitors many of them located in the centre of the town around Library Street, Kings Street and Masnes Road area and the rest are spread throughout the town.
A few of the law firms are specialists in Family Law or Business Law, but the majority are multi-discipline practices which means they should be able to help anything from Conveyancing in Wigan, arranging you Wills, to giving you Employment advice, with the number of firms of solicitors in Wigan you should have no problem finding a firm of solicitors to help you whatever your legal need.
Alker Ball Healds solicitors on Wallgate and a second office on King Street have been providing legal services in Wigan for over 150 years as a firm that practices personal and commercial law they are well placed to help you and your business.
If you are looking to appoint a solicitor for the first time we would recommend that you contact a few firms in Wigan to understand your options.
Wigan Council on Library Street, may be able to help if you have a legal matter relating to where you live and can be contacted on 01942 244991, or if you would like to contact the Citizens Advice in Wigan before appointing a solicitor they have an office on Wigan Life Centre, The Wiend, Wigan, WN1 1NH, and can be contacted on 0844 826 9713, between 10 am and 4 pm
You can find out more about appointing a solicitor in Wigan through our guide.
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Looking for Solicitors in Wigan - Call us today for help, whatever your legal needs.
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Welcome to Houghton Pigot & Co Solicitors, the solicitors for you, your family and your business.
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We have a team of experienced solicitors and support staff who are ready to listen.
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