Criminal Law Solicitors in Southampton
Criminal law advice Southampton.
If you are in need of advice regarding a crime the solicitors in the list below will be able to help and are local to Southampton.
There are many forms of crime covered in Criminal Law from Fraud to Sexual abuse, motoring offences to money laundering the list goes on and obviously, no one solicitor can cover every type so there will be specialists available and you may need to contact a few solicitors in Southampton to find one that suits your need.
With certain crimes, it is vital that you get legal advice as soon as possible and many firms will have someone who can visit you at the police station if you have been arrested.
Antisocial behaviour is behaviour that causes or is likely to cause alarm, harassment and distress. If the anti-social behaviour puts you, your family or your property in immediate danger, you should contact the Police on 999.
Otherwise, antisocial behaviour can be reported online via the Southampton City Council website.
Hampshire Constabulary have a very helpful website which contains advice for victims of crime.
If you are having issues resulting in any way from drugs, talk to ‘Frank', in Southampton, they offer friendly confidential, judgment-free, drugs advice call them anytime on 023 8071 7171.
##BOLD##Did you know?##ENDBOLD##
999 is the number for the emergency services in the UK, but you can also call 112 for help. 112 is the single emergency telephone number for anywhere in Europe.
If you are interested in finding out more about crime in and around Southampton, the Daily Echo has a useful ##LINKTONEWWINDOW##‘crime map’##ENDLINK## showing where crimes are happening within Southampton, it’s based on information for street-level crime and anti-social behaviour in May 2015 from the Home Office.
Search Results
Do you need a Criminal solicitor? We cover Southampton and surrounding areas. We have years of experience representing clients who have been investigated or charged with all kinds of criminal offences, from road traffic matters such as speeding to more serious matters.
Do you need a Criminal solicitor? We cover Southampton and surrounding areas. We have years of experience representing clients who have been investigated or charged with all kinds of criminal offences, from road traffic matters such as speeding to more serious matters.
Are you looking for criminal Solicitors in Southampton? We can help. If you need a Criminal Defence Solicitor, call today for representation.
Our Criminal Defence Solicitors can provide you with specialist advice and support
Eric Robinson Solicitors provides personalised legal services throughout the South of England for individuals under investigation or facing prosecution for a suspected crime.
We deal with the sale and purchase of new homes, shared ownership properties and development land.
We run a bespoke advisory practice to assist in circumstances where you may have fallen foul of the criminal law.
Specialising in criminal defence work, the team at GPG have a wealth of experience in dealing with all criminal matters
We deal with the sale and purchase of new homes, shared ownership properties and development land.
We deal with the sale and purchase of new homes, shared ownership properties and development land.
Abels Solicitors have many years of experience representing people at the police station and at Court.
Footner & Ewing Criminal Law Solicitors in Southampton committed to quality
From offices in London, Southampton and Bournemouth, full service law firm Lester Aldridge advises businesses and private individuals on a regional, national and international scale.
Footner & Ewing Criminal Law Solicitors in Southampton committed to quality
our specialist team of criminal and regulatory defence solicitors represent private individuals and businesses.
Eric Robinson Solicitors provides personalised legal services throughout the South of England for individuals under investigation or facing prosecution for a suspected crime.
Foot Anstey Solicitors Criminal Law Legal specialists in Southampton.
Peter Clarke Solicitors is a criminal defence practice based in Totton
Our Criminal Defence Solicitors can provide you with specialist advice and support
Footner & Ewing Criminal Law Solicitors in Southampton committed to quality