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Motoring Offences | Drugs

It is illegal to drive a vehicle when under the influence of drugs; if you are found guilty of this offence you will face a ban, a fine and a custodial sentence.

The penalties for driving whilst under the influence of drugs are

- One year driving ban (minimum)
- Unlimited fine
- A criminal record
- Possible custodial sentence of up to 6 months
- Your driving license will carry an endorsement for 11 years

Early in 2015 the laws were changed on drug driving making it easier to prosecute offenders.

It is an offence to drive with any one of 17 controlled drugs above a certain level in your blood.

Police can carry out a roadside test for cocaine and cannabis and, if they choose, check for other illegal drugs at the police station if they believe you may be under the influence.

Some legal drugs can impair your driving and you will be prosecuted if you have broken the law, if you are unsure, please check with your doctor, you are not precluded from driving if on prescription drugs but you must follow advice on how to take them and ensure they aren't causing you to be unfit to drive.
Driving under the influence of drugs is extremely dangerous, as taking drugs can affect your mood or reflexes, from driving more aggressively and paranoia, to relaxed driving with poor concentration.

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