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Welfare Benefits Solicitors in Horsham

You have searched for Welfare Benefits Solicitors in Horsham.

The Welfare and Benefits Solicitors listed below covering Horsham. will be able to assist you with any challenge you need to make for your benefits. The welfare benefit system and its administration is very complicated so mistakes can be made both from you the claimant and the benefits officer, legal advice is recommended if you are in doubt, many of the benefits offices are under pressure due to cuts and solicitors can help to speed up the process and make sure your dispute is handled correctly to avoid delays.

Welfare Benefits lawyers covering the Horsham area can assist with reviews, appeals and disputes:

• Unemployment Benefits
• Tax Credits
• Family Benefits
• Property

Many solicitors will hold Legal Aid certificates, but talk with them about the fees.
There are some excellent support services in the Horsham area, Horsham council have a section on welfare and benefits claims on their website, you may need more than just legal help, and there are help groups and charities covering Horsham that can give you support, when speaking to the council ask about any other help available.

Sometimes you need advice from someone that does not work in the benefits office, and if you need some questions answered before you make a claim, the CAB covering Horsham can help, call them on 03444 111 444 or if you claim is in Wales call 03444 77 20 20, they also have a very good online chat service for giving advice.

Search Results
Mulcare Jenkins Solicitors
Phone: 01444 459954
Mulcare Jenkins Solicitors
5a Muster Green, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 4AP

Mulcare Jenkins Solicitors have friendly and approachable Solicitors and Executives with many years of practical experience who can help you effectively and quickly. We offer real value for money and free estimates of the costs and out of pocket expenses involved.

Mulcare Jenkins Solicitors
Phone: 01444 459954
Mulcare Jenkins Solicitors
5a Muster Green, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 4AP

Mulcare Jenkins Solicitors have friendly and approachable Solicitors and Executives with many years of practical experience who can help you effectively and quickly. We offer real value for money and free estimates of the costs and out of pocket expenses involved.

Mancini Legal
23 West Street, 1st/2nd Floor, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1PB
+44 (0)1403 272780

Mancini Legal - A new approach to legal services across London and the South East. With offices in Horsham and Kings Hill

Mancini Legal
23 West Street, 1st/2nd Floor, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1PB
+44 (0)1403 272780

Mancini Legal - A new approach to legal services across London and the South East. With offices in Horsham and Kings Hill

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