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Personal Injury Solicitors in Dewsbury

Personal Injury claims Solicitors in Dewsbury

If you have suffered any injury and it was not your fault, an accident in the car, including whiplash or in a public place or at work you could be eligible for compensation, contact one for the personal Injury claims solicitors in Dewsbury to discuss your claim, most solicitors in Dewsbury undertake personal injury claims work, we would recommend you contact a few to understand what they can do for you.

The claims solicitor you call will take your details and give you a clear understanding of the likely hood of obtaining compensation; they will also explain the different ways your claim can be funded.

If you decide upon funding via a 'no win no fee' agreement sometimes referred to as a 'conditional fee agreement', It's important that you understand the terms of the policy, and any success fees the solicitor may charge upon settlement of your claim. Your solicitor will also research other funding options, as you may already be covered by a union or home insurance policies, and in some cases, you may want fund the claim yourself.

Typical claims may result from

■ Accidents in a car including whiplash
■ Claims for an injury sustained because of a trip or fall in a public place
■ Injury at work
■ Accidents involving motorbikes or bicycles

Compensation case can have a time restrictions so don't delay.
If your claim relates to Medical Negligence or a Dental claim you will need a specialist solicitor so you will need to search again changing the area of law.

Search Results
Irwin Mitchell
Phone: 0808 271 8137
Irwin Mitchell
Irwin Mitchell, Totally Committed To You, Get In Touch With Our Team,

Our specialist personal injury lawyers covering Dewsbury are here to make things easier for you and your family. Every year, we help thousands of people claim for personal injury, and over the past two years, we’ve helped our clients recover more than £1.5 billion in compensation.

Qualitysolicitors, Expert Legal Advice For Individuals And Businesses, In Over 100 Locations,

Looking for help obtaining compensation for an accident in Dewsbury?, QualitySolicitors have the experts that can help - Whiplash | Accident At work | No Win No Fee | Slip and Trip | Injury Claim - Start you claim today.

National Accident Helpline
Phone: 0800 783 0859
National Accident Helpline
Uk’s Leading No Win No Fee Experts., 30 Years’ Experience In Personal Injury Claims, ,

UK’s Leading No Win No Fee Specialists. Nearly 30 Years’ Experience in Personal Injury Claims National Accident Helpline are experts in Personal Injury compensation claims advice and support.

Jordans Solicitors
Phone: 01924 457171
Jordans Solicitors
7a Wellington Road East, Dewsbury, Yorkshire WF13 1HF

We deal with all types of personal injury claim.

Cadmans Solicitors
Phone: 01274 874231
Cadmans Solicitors
Churchill House, Cleckheaton, Yorkshire BD19 3HH

If you have been injured in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation if the accident was someone else's fault.

Ramsdens Solicitors
28 Bond Street,, Dewsbury, Yorkshire WF13 1AU

We have many years of experience in helping people to rebuild their lives and improve their quality of life following an injury that they sustained through no fault of their own.

Ashmans Solicitors
26 Market Place, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire WF13 1DQ

We saw the opportunity to create a community-driven legal practice to represent and serve the people with integrity, professionalism and excellence.

Synergy Solicitors
6-10 Westgate, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire WF13 1BW
01924 46 11 11

Our main objective has always been to provide quality and efficient legal services together with expert advice and representation to our Personal Injury Clients all over the world.

RKS Solicitors
54 Bradford Road, Dewsbury,  WF13 2DU
01924 439106

We strive for law practice excellence by consistently delivering high-quality Personal Injury services to clients from start to finish.

Disken & Co
20 Bond Street, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire WF13 1AT
01924 464101

Our basic philosophy is simple: to put our Personal Injury knowledge of the law and its procedures and our experience and judgment at the service of our clients in such a way that they get good value for money.

Greenstone Solicitors
First Floor, 48 Daisy Hill, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire WF13 1LH
01924 466 444

At Greenstone Solicitors we place great importance on managing our client relationships. We believe that the provision of excellent Personal Injury service is fundamental to our continued future success.

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