Coodes Solicitors

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Your lawyers for life - We have been advising businesses, families and individuals in the South West on the issues that shape their lives and futures for more than 275 years. Our firm, our team and our way of doing business is rooted in the communities and economy of Cornwall and Devon, and it shows in the way we work with our clients. Legal expertise is just the start - You need more than legal expertise to help you tackle the challenges you are facing. What you really want are legal solutions – practical advice and action that delivers on your priorities. For business clients, that means combining legal expertise allied with commercial insight to create solutions that work for your business and help to achieve your goals. For personal or family matters, it means being able to empathise – to see the problem from your perspective and to provide advice and support through difficult times.

Call Coodes Solicitors on 01726 874700

Office location

  • Offices 11 and 12 The Workshed
    Liskeard Cattle Market, Fairpark Road
    PL14 4BA
  • Tel: 0800 328 3282
  • Website
  • Gwella House 6b Falmouth Business Park
    Bickland Water Road
    TR11 4SZ
  • Tel: 0800 328 3282
  • Website

Our areas of law

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Information by area of law