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Change in drink driving limit.

The police federation has called upon the government to reduce the drink drive limit from 80 to 50 milligrams of alcohol for 100 millilitres which would bring England and Wales in line with the levels in force in Scotland.

England has seen a decrease in drink driving over recent years, accredited to a very effective advertising campaign that has seen society treat drink driving as very anti social; the problem highlighted by the police federation is that female drink driving levels are not reducing as much as they should, and the percentage of all drink driving convictions involving women has risen.

The perception is that whilst male drink driving habits have changed women's have not, over the past ten years male drink-driving convictions have halved whilst female convictions stayed roughly the same.

The new levels mean that it would be possible to be over the drink drive limit after one drink.

The evidence shows that a reduction in the limit will see a fall in prosecutions; since Scotland changed they have seen these reduced by a third.

The department of transport has said this is under review and they continually look to improve the safety on the roads by strengthening enforcement.

Rules have been changed recently concerning high risk offenders and the removal of the right to demand a blood test if you fail a breathalyser.

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