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Cyber Crime.

Cyber crime is the most common crime in the UK and experts believe that the reported figures do not show the true extent of the problem as many of the victims feel too embarrassed to report the crime or feel nothing will be done.
Last year 5.6 million cases of fraud or computer crimes we reported to the police, which is almost 10% of the adult population falling victim.

What is Cyber Crime?

The most common types of online crime and what they are called -

- Emails are how most online crime starts - when a criminal asks for your information, the criminals are becoming very sophisticated and will do their up most to impersonate a financial institution, even the email address can be made to look like it came from a bank - this is called PHISHING.

- It's possible because you have downloaded a program or given out your password that a criminal can take over your webcam and blackmail you.
- In the same way, a criminal can take control of your computer - by recording everything you type, this is called keylogging
- By taking screenshots
- By directing you to places you do not want to go.

One of the most common crimes start with a phone call, many of us receive these types of calls on a weekly basis, they say they are from the Windows technical support team, they are not and you should put the phone down.
If you do click on a photo or link and it freezes your computer, asking for money to unlock it, don't talk to the criminals - speak to a computer engineer, not the criminals, they will not fix your problem, they will become your problem.
It's important that you consider your online security, and many crimes can be prevented by applying some basic knowledge.

What is Cyber Crime?

Golden Rules.

1. A financial institution such as your bank or credit card supplier will never contact you and request your details - sometimes the email will take you to a fraudulent site that looks very much like your bank - Never give your details out and never follow a link in an email requesting information.
2. If you receive an email from an address you do not recognise - delete it, if you do open it never click on an attachment.
3. Install some anti-virus software and make sure you keep it updated, antivirus software should update itself, make sure it is.
4. Along the same lines you should use a firewall and install anti spy-ware.

If you like me are over the age of 40 some of that can be mind blowing and you would not know where to start; search for tips online, have a look at some videos, speak to someone where you bought your computer or, if all else fails, call a Computer Engineer and tell them what you want and ask for a price.
If you use Windows check it is updating, Windows provide help online if you are unsure.

Never send any money to a person you do not know, and never give your details out.

Online help sites.

'Get safe online', is a great site for advice about online protection.
*figures produces by the Crime Survey of England and Wales.

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