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Disputes with Neighbours.

It can be a nightmare, you have made the biggest purchase of your life, set down your roots, only to find yourself being driven mad because of a dispute with your neighbours, some of these disputes have escalated into extremely serious situations with threats of violence.

We receive emails every day about Parking issues, rights of way, land disputes or 101 other problems people have with their neighbours, some disputes rage for years and can prove costly, or even lead to problems if you try to sell your property.

If you have a dispute you are not alone with complaints for noise alone in excess of 300,000 per year, but you have the right to reasonable, quiet enjoyment of your property.

It's not all one sided, just as the offenders may be inconsiderate; on many occasions people have greater expectations as to what is acceptable quiet enjoyment. In addition our living arrangements do not always help for example, with technology providing us with the ability to belt music out at the same level as a rock concert.

Style has a lot to answer for as well, if you live in a flat and you decide to have exposed floor or tiles, whilst it may look nice, you may be causing a big problem to those living below you and you may be in breach of your lease.

So what should you do if you have a dispute You have a number of options, the first should be to try to resolve the issue, do not let it fester over time as in most occasions resentment and hatred can build up making any solution much more of a problem.

Mediation should be a consideration; you may think no way will you want to sit down with them!

Well you don't need to if you approach a mediation service you can elect to have the mediation carried out where you do not need to be together at the same time, your mediator will act as a go between, this can help as each party with have time with the mediator to consider solutions, that is once the mediator has got to the actual problem, most find it is clouded by the opinion people have about each other and the misconceptions that have built up.

Mediation will normal draw up an agreement between those involved and check over time that this is being upheld.

If you would like to find mediation solicitor check our search facility for one in your area, or contact your local authority to see if they can provide this service.

Mediation will no doubt be cheaper than taking court action, this can be offset by legal expense insurance if you have it (normally on your home insurance), but take advice if you are considering this type of action, will you win? Are you in the right? Can it be proven? What is the gain? And what are the potential losses? Most insurance policies cover only part of the potential fees, so what would your liability be?

We have found that most disputes can be resolved and we would recommend that you do explore a solution, many disputes can be resolved using the tools available, such as who is responsible for any trees? Whose land is that? Why can't I park my car where I want?

Don't let these things fester, sort them out as soon as you can, it will be easier. You must also consider the financial impact on your house if you are trying to sell it, when you sell your house you will be asked to complete and sign a property information form, one of the questions are 'have you ever had a dispute with your neighbours?' give details, a solicitor will normally advise your buyer not to proceed until a solution has been reached. So take advice and act quickly.

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