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Greater power to evict travellers planned.

The Tory government are set to announce new measures to evict travellers from illegal camp sites, which include special courts able to process eviction notices at any time.

The new plans are on the agenda if the present government is re-elected.
Under the new plans a review of the police guidance could be undertaken giving them the ability to take a stronger approach in dealing with any illegal encampment.

The current law states that unless criminal damage takes place, any illegal encampment is treated as a civil matter, meaning that the owner of the land needs to go to court to obtain the eviction notice, the new plans are to make trespass a criminal offence.

The move follows on the back of a crackdown in the classification of 'travellers', to be able to qualify as a traveller, evidence must be given that a person does in fact travel and it is not just because of racial heritage.

A consultation is expected to be able to clearly define who is classed as a traveller, and ensure that planning laws are the same for all.

At the moment the new moves are backed only by the Conservative Party.

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