Wilful Neglect.
Social workers could face up to five years in jail should they prove guilty of wilful neglect towards children, if consultation decides to extend the law to inc..link
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Click for a quoteNew tougher sentencing and parole guidelines are to be issued for..
linkSocial workers could face up to five years in jail should they prove guilty of wilful neglect towards children, if consultation decides to extend the law to inc..link
Do you work for an employer that has signed up to the Real Living Wage; if you do you are in for a pay rise this week...link
Laws affecting Drones. - Drones are one of the 'must haves' for many people in the UK, their popularity has soared over recent years (sorry about that pun), and..link
Government to finally introduce 'no-fault' Divorce laws..
linkThis guide lays out the Divorce Process in the UK; Divorce is defined by the Legal dissolution of a marriage by an accepted body or by Judgement of a court...link
Funding for lenders scheme.
On the 28th of November 2013 the Bank of England announced their withdrawal of the funding for lending scheme for mortgage lenders..link
Stalking Victims to get quicker protection.
The government has recognised the need to protect victims of stalking more quickly; the Home Secretary has announce..link
Hermes become the first major company to make concessions to 'Gig..
linkRights for Crime Victims - The Justice Secretary Chris Grayling has announced that, for the first time, victims of crime will be given legal rights...link
Charity Law Solicitors. Charity law covers the rules relating to the setting up and operation of charities, which are bodies run for the public benefit. ..link
The danger of cyber crime to the UK economy -
80% of the UKs top companies have been the victim of a serious cyber attack, resulting in a loss of hundreds of m..link