Fraud Solicitors |
Fraud Solicitors. Fraud could be described as a deception in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain, usually
When you come to renting a property Landlords need to conduct a few checks to ensure they comply with the Governments rules.
The 'Right to Rent' laws apply to all rental properties, those that are sublet and for people taking in lodgers; the rules were introduced as part of the immigration act 2014 and carry a fine of £3000 if the rule is not followed.
The purpose is to stop people that have entered the county illegally from renting a property.
The checks are not onerous, a Landlord will need to check identity documents and take a copy, for a government guide and a list of acceptable documents visit -
Gvt-'Right to Rent' guide.
The introduction of ‘Right to Rent’ has seen a growth in forged ID’s highlighted by a BBC investigation; the problem arises from the fact that landlords are not experts in detecting forgery and identifying if, for example, a passport from Rumania is legitimate or not.
The investigation highlights the ease in obtaining forged documents for as little as £500, with one forger saying they produce between 5 and 10 per week.
The Home office has issued over 150 fines in the past 12 months to landlords in breach of the rules, so following the government guidelines are essential.
It’s also important that landlords do not discriminate against foreign nationals, over 50% of landlords have said that the ‘right to rent’ scheme has made them less likely to rent to foreign nationals.
If you are not aware of landlord’s discrimination rules, guides are available via the Government website.
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linkFraud Solicitors. Fraud could be described as a deception in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain, usually
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Minimum rental terms of three years could be introduced under new..
linkIt is a legal requirement that your landlord ensures your property is
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Minimum rental terms of three years could be introduced under new government plans.
It is a legal requirement that your landlord ensures your propert..
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Enfranchisement and Lease Solicitors | If you are the owner of a leasehold flat or house there is legislation giving you rights which, if exercised, will add are not a firm of solicitors, and any content on the site should not be used in substitute for obtaining Legal advice from a solicitor regulated in the UK, recommends that you contact a firm of solicitors to discuss your individual legal requirement. Whilst we strive to bring you accurate up to date content, all content on this site is not legal advice and is not guaranteed to be correct. Use of this site does not create a client relationship.