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Flexible Working Hours extended to everyone.

The right to request flexible working hours, previously reserved for carers,has been extended to all employees.

So does that mean we can all just go ahead and choose the hours that suit? Well not quite.

Your right is to request the hours that you would like to work, and that your employer must consider your request.

The move has been welcomed, and is said to affect 20 million workers who have had over six months service with their employer.

This move comes on the back of the Government's announcement to stop employers restricting those employees on Zero Hours contracts, from seeking additional work.

The move to flexible working hours will benefit many, those with family commitments, many employees wishing to undergo training, older workers nearing retirement, and many with other practical reasons to work different hours, even if it is just to improve the commute!

It has been proved that flexible working hours increases productivity, improves morale and helps to retain employees, and whilst this right has just been extended to all, many forward thinking businesses have adopted this approach for a number of years.

Some organisations would like the change to have gone further, and to have given an employee the ability to challenge a decision made by the employer not to allow the flexible working.

Warnings were also given that the right could have a negative effect on some businesses, especially small businesses who may not allow flexible working for practical reasons e.g. they do not employ enough staff to facilitate employee's flexible working hours, and will need to turn down a request and so impact staff morale.

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