Financial Orders | Family Law.
What happens to money, property and debt with divorce, partnership and relationships splits?
In the event of the breakup of a relationship where the couple are not married what happens to the property?
In many cases a couple will move in together but the property is in the name of only one of the them, it may be that they have owned the property for sometime and invited their partner to move in.
Does the person not named on the deeds have any rights to a share in the property?
Recent case law has shown that whilst the person not named on the deeds does not have rights to the property, it was the case that they had been assured a home and because of those assurances the court did award a payment because of the loss they had suffered acting on those assurances and giving up their home.
This case shows that courts will look to award damages to those that have lost out because of a relationship split.
We would recommend that all unmarried couples look to construct a cohabitation agreement which details the agreement and responsibilities between those involved and takes out any problems in the event of the relationship not working out, speak to a local family or litigation solicitor for advice.
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linkWhat happens to money, property and debt with divorce, partnership and relationships splits?
Mortgages for life, may soon be an
The objective of Family Mediation is to provide a less confrontational approach to separation than the traditional Legal Model, helping parents communicate to
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linkUp until a child reaches the age of 12, or 135 cm, a child must use a booster or car seat, when a child is not required to use a car seat or booster they must,
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Mediation Solicitors.
Mediation is a process during which a couple is helped by an impartial third party (a mediator).
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This guide lays out the Divorce Process in the UK; Divorce is defined by the Legal dissolution of a marriage by an accepted body or by Judgement of a
Child custody can be the most emotive issue in a divorce, the law will decide who is the primary carer of a child, and where a child should live, quite often are not a firm of solicitors, and any content on the site should not be used in substitute for obtaining Legal advice from a solicitor regulated in the UK, recommends that you contact a firm of solicitors to discuss your individual legal requirement. Whilst we strive to bring you accurate up to date content, all content on this site is not legal advice and is not guaranteed to be correct. Use of this site does not create a client relationship.